Friday, January 22, 2010

Glutton for Punishment

Let it begin...
I have decided to start potty training with Ben. A big part of me feels I need to throw in the towel and just wait until he is three. The problem is he turns three in May and we have way too many trips and things to interrupt any potty training. Right now, we are home for days on end with this weather being so bad. It seems like a better time to try. Ben is not so into the idea. I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle. Is that just what potty training is??? I am so not a fan. I am pulling out all the stops though. We keep reading this book, You Can Go To The Potty, we went to the store and picked out a potty and underwear, I have him sit on the potty every 30 minutes, and he gets a chocolate chip (I know, so generous of me, a WHOLE chocolate chip) when he sits on the potty.
I am going to give it the old college try for the weekend and then reevaluate things. Hopefully, he will start thinking it is cool to not pee himself. One can dream!
Any ideas or advice? It was a totally different ball game with Lucas!


Coleen said...

So not fun...

A nurse who spoke to our MOPS group said that she recommends this kind of schedue: Week 1 - a small treat for going into the bathroom, sitting on the potty, peeing, and pooping. Week 2 - a treat for sitting, peeing, and pooping. Week 3 - a treat for peeing. Week 4 - a treat for pooping. Then you don't end up giving them treats forever.

Max was not motivated by the chocolate chips (I tried the same thing!), but he was crazy for these Star Wars guys at Target, so I bought a pack and put them in an old wipe container. He got one when he peed and pooped, but I took one away and put it back inside when he refused to go into the bathroom to "try."

I'm not claiming to be any expert, but it eventually worked for us. Good luck this weekend!

Christine said...

In the same boat with you on potty training! Take heart though, we've been struggling unsuccesfully for a full week and finally Saturday morning showed promise... I've seriously considered looking in to hiring a potty-training specialist to do it for me! :D

Melanie said...

I love you Rachel! This is a great post-thank you for sharing a window into your world - so good to know we aren't alone in motherland. I can't believe Ben is that OLD already!