Monday, May 26, 2008

Potty Training Update

Well we are in Day Three of potty training and we finally had pee in the potty! Yeah!!!! Lucas continues to not freak out about the accidents which is good. Today he was outside with Jake and he said, "I am going to be right back." He then went in the house, closed the door, and looked out the window at Jake while he peed in the corner. Awesome. Jake was already on his way back in the house, realizing he had probably been tricked. He is starting to realize he is going, now we just need to work on getting to the potty before it comes...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Potty Training

We started potty training today. yes, this is my life right now- pee, poop, and more of the same. It feels like a never ending task but I figured we better start since he is in to it. He wanted to sit on the potty and wear his new Cars movie underwear (exciting stuff). He had his first of what I am told will be many accidents today, thankfully on the wood floor. He didn't freak out about it though and wanted to put underwear on again after. I guess that is a good sign. Off to another trip to the potty...