Monday, May 4, 2009

First Campout

Jake and Lucas did a trial campout last night in the backyard. Lucas was so excited. I brought them cookies, Jake read him books, and they talked to me throughout the evening on the walkie-talkie. It was pretty funny. We had our bets that the "camping" would last 20 minutes, possibly an hour, and Lucas surpassed all our expectations. They made it until 6 AM this morning. Somehow, during this whole experience, they didn't hear the rabbit being mauled in our garden (see last post), nor some cat urinating on the side of the brand new tent! Anyone have a good way to solve a cat urine stench? I have a feeling it is not going to be pleasant to sleep in on our camping trip next month!

Rabbits, Beware!

I went out to water the garden today only to find a rabbit had eaten not only all the leaves off my pepper plants but some of my tomato plants as well! Then, I saw it. Sitting in the middle of my garden is the head and front paws of a rabbit! It looks like the cycle of life sought revenge on my behalf. Apparently, the rabbit was eaten by something (my neighbor said it was probably a cat) while eating my plants!
I am now putting off plans to plant a tree this week and will now be working on building a fence around the garden. Until then, the rabbit head will sit in the garden as a warning to all other trespassers...this could be you,stay out!
I never thought growing a garden would bring out such a savage side of me!