The Before Photos: It may have taken me several weeks to complete but the deck is finally done! For those of you who didn't see it before, it was stained an opaque rusty color, with an orange tint to it. it just didn't look that great with the house and needed to be sanded and redone anyway. We went really dark this time, but I really like the way it turned out.
The garden is producing food!!! Really, it shocks me every time I go out there. I have been eating the cherry tomatoes off the vine as soon as they are red (hence not many left for salad. Tonight though, I made a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and onion that came from my backyard! I even picked a carrot to see if they were ready. The onions were not big yet, but I just couldn't resist! I wish the two of you who read this lived closer because I have a TON of lettuce! I think I might try to bring some home in my suitcase in a couple for weeks! I know I am going over board, but I just never thought I could keep anything, that didn't cry when it needed food, alive!
Last night I was putting Lucas to bed and we were having one of those last minute conversations that Lucas uses to avoid going to sleep. I told him that we would be going to California in a few weeks and his response in a desperate (almost fake crying) voice while grabbing my arm was, "THANK YOU!!! You would think we were not just there a week and a half ago. I am so thankful though that he loves time with family so much that he can not wait to go back! See, he is just like his mother! :)
This will be short but I got a good laugh out of this...
This morning Ben asked for breakfast and when Jake was asking him what he wanted, he said, "Sugar Bombs please!" He was referring to Frosted Mini Wheats (one way to disguise fiber). I guess he heard Lucas refer to them as that, but to hear a two year ask for sugar bombs was pretty funny. "Mmm, nummy sugar bombs," said Ben.
Jake and Lucas did a trial campout last night in the backyard. Lucas was so excited. I brought them cookies, Jake read him books, and they talked to me throughout the evening on the walkie-talkie. It was pretty funny. We had our bets that the "camping" would last 20 minutes, possibly an hour, and Lucas surpassed all our expectations. They made it until 6 AM this morning. Somehow, during this whole experience, they didn't hear the rabbit being mauled in our garden (see last post), nor some cat urinating on the side of the brand new tent! Anyone have a good way to solve a cat urine stench? I have a feeling it is not going to be pleasant to sleep in on our camping trip next month!
I went out to water the garden today only to find a rabbit had eaten not only all the leaves off my pepper plants but some of my tomato plants as well! Then, I saw it. Sitting in the middle of my garden is the head and front paws of a rabbit! It looks like the cycle of life sought revenge on my behalf. Apparently, the rabbit was eaten by something (my neighbor said it was probably a cat) while eating my plants! I am now putting off plans to plant a tree this week and will now be working on building a fence around the garden. Until then, the rabbit head will sit in the garden as a warning to all other trespassers...this could be you,stay out! I never thought growing a garden would bring out such a savage side of me!
Only two more weeks until our next visitors!!!!!! My brother and his family and driving from California and my sister and her family are driving from New Jersey to see us. I can hardly wait. There will be 6 kids, 4 and under, at our house for a week. It should be quite the party!! I am so thankful to have family that will drive 20 plus hours to see us! They are fabulous.
So far I have planted tomatoes, 3 kinds of peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, asparagus, onions, garlic, and sugar snap peas. I am not sure why i decided to plant so many things my first time around. I have never been able to keep any other plants alive EVER so this should be interesting. Now, this weekend, we move on to trees...
I have been tired of letting holidays slip away dominated by toys, gifts, etc. I decided I need to talk about it or do something to make it more than all the "stuff." So, today Lucas and I were talking about why we celebrate Easter. I tried to keep it simple, although it is somewhat challenging to simplify what is difficult for me to even wrap my head around sometimes. Here is our conversation in a nut shell (ok, a big nut shell): Me: Lucas do you know why we celebrate and have a party on Easter? Lucas: Yes Me: Why? Lucas: I don't know Me: We celebrate how much Jesus loves us, that he loves us enough to die for us. He died for us and then a really cool thing happened. After they put him in the cave with the big rock in front of it, Jesus rose from the dead, he was no longer dead, and pushed the rock away and came out. He isn't dead annymore. Lucas: Like in my picture from preschool. (He came home with a picture of the tomb with a rock in front of the opening, brad fastened on. You move the rock and there is a picture of Jesus). Me: Yeah, but he isn't in there anymore. Lucas: Why did he die? Me: (goingto in-depth)You know how sometimes we do things that are not nice? Well, he died so we can be forgiven for doing those not nice things. Lucas: Mommy, you have to forgive me. Mommy: You're right. I forgive you because I love you. Jesus forgave us too because he loves us. Lucas: Jesus loves my preschoolers too. Bobby (changed the name to protect the right of the small person) is not nice at preschool. Me: He is? Well, Jesus loves Bobby too and forgives him. Sometimes, are you not nice? Lucas: yes Me: Jesus forgives us too and loves us. Lucas: Jesus is in my heart. Me: Yep. Lucas: He is in your heart, in Daddy's heart, and in Benner's heart too. Me: He is with us all and loves us very much, doesn't he. He loves everybody. Lucas: Oh. Mommy, can we play light sabers now?
Yes, I am sure it sunk in and is perfectly clear to him now. I must go and play light sabers now. What a confusing world this is...
Tonight, after putting Ben to bed, Lucas met me at the top of the stairs with a choice. "Mommy, you can watch the Star Wars show or play the Star Wars game, those are your choices, Mommy." If I had been quicker, I would have told him, "I choose nothing," which is what he often says when I have him choose between two options he isn't crazy about.
After posting my 25 Things List, my friend Becca asked me if I was interested in running with her. Finally someone to run with again! Well, running, in and of itself takes some motivation. Then there is the whole getting out of bed and out the door component. There was the cold morning aspect as well, BUT I have never imagined I would ever run in THIS cold! We left at 6:30 this morning and it was -3 outside, thankfully no wind, but -3!!! I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was quite strange to find out that the inside of your nose can freeze, not to mention your hair, eyelashes, skin! I had Jake come out and take a picture of us. Hopefully Friday morning will bless us with a few more degrees!
1. Books are my friends. I love to talk books with people.
2. I can be negative toward myself, I hate that about myself. See what I mean.
3. I care too much what others think.The “It takes a village” approach to life/parenting/faith is important to me. I need a village. My last village is way too far away.
4. I was a teacher for 8 years, and now I am trying to figure out what I want to do next. That changes daily right now.
5. I want to have a job that involves interaction with people, organization, and making a positive impact to individuals or families.
6. I thrive on conversations; I feel I haven’t had one in awhile with someone besides my husband face to face.
7. For someone who is so adept with directions, I feel lost WAY too often.
8. I wish I could dance, mostly contemporary-throw caution to the wind- type of dancing.
9. I am a social runner; otherwise I am not much of a runner at all, especially right now.
10. I can be considered an “open book”, an “over sharer” or a “chronic relater”.
12. All of my family lives very far away.
13. I love informal dinners or get-togethers with friends.
14. Finding “small world” connections to people makes me happy. “Oh, you lived in Large City, USA, did you know….?”
15. Creating memories is something I am passionate about.
16. The “It takes a village” approach to life/parenting/faith is important to me. I need a village. My last village is way too far away.
17. I am a mom to two boys whom I love to pieces of course. I just wish I was one of those moms who was consistently calm, cool, and collected. I am not that.
18. Worry is my middle name, not really, it is Daurette- one of those generational family names.
19. My husband is extremely even-keel…me, not so much. I love him for that.
20. My favorite TV shows are The Office and So You Think You Can Dance. It is easy for me to get sucked into a show. That is why I need my books.
21. Music moves me, although I am clueless about it. I could easily be THAT person you would see running down the street listening to an ipod and leaping or thrusting a fist into the air.
22. I am clueless when it comes to gardening or growing anything. I plan to change that this year. Wish me luck.
23Laughing…I need to do that more, I love a good laugh.
24. Often, the magnitude of raising kids scares me. How do I raise strong, secure, compassionate, and kind boys when I fail in these areas all the time?
25. I love pictures…taking them and looking at them.
Today Jake got an email today from someone at Westmont College in Santa Barbara telling him they are going to have a position open. Now obviously he isn't going to apply. He has so much starting here in South Dakota and really loves his job. BUT, of course me being me, I was bummed. Maybe it is the snow, the lack of friends who really know me living close by, the distance from home...ok I will stop there ( I don't have to use correct grammar on my own blog do I?). I am really happy here for the most part, but just the thought that there could be an opportunity to be back near does something to my head. Timing among other factors makes this not a possibility but oh the dream... The funny thing is I am not sure it matters where I am. There will always be the struggle of being new, having to make new friends, and create a way of life for us. I have realized that having kids makes this no easy task. In some ways, kids give you more opportunitis to meet new people but thay also make it tough to take the time to invest and build deeper relationships. One minute you try and start a conversation and the next you are running after a child who is bolting from the room. So all this to say, I am tiring of having to be patient. BUT patient I must be as I wait for opportunities to get to know people and not feel like the freak who is jumping into a deep converation in the spare 30 seconds I have at the library, grocery store, etc.
Disclaimer: I do love my children and I am so thankful for their added spice to life.