Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kids Use The Same Tactics

Tonight, after putting Ben to bed, Lucas met me at the top of the stairs with a choice. "Mommy, you can watch the Star Wars show or play the Star Wars game, those are your choices, Mommy." If I had been quicker, I would have told him, "I choose nothing," which is what he often says when I have him choose between two options he isn't crazy about.


Jill said...

I LOVE it! Don't you love it when you hear the kids say the same things you say? "Mommy, if you do that one more time..."

Sarah said...

Don't you love when they use YOUR tricks! Eliot has been saying "hold on a minute" whenever I ask him to do something, which is exactly what I tell him when he has an urgent request.

Jake said...

"Daddy, you can put on the Wall-E game or go to time out- those are your choices."