Thursday, July 22, 2010

Take a Lesson from Me

Today is Jake and I's 10 year anniversary! It has gone by so fast, of course. We were able to celebrate the occasion with a trip to Australia last month, which was incredible. Today has been a great day just hanging out with the family, lunch and a little trip to Target, I know how romantic. We will head to dinner, sans kids, this evening.
So go with me to Target for a moment...It was great. I bought a calendar planner, which if you know me, I just love to get all organized and planned out. This year I will actually need one with going back to school. We also got the boys backpacks for starting school, of course they pick the most obnoxious ones, with "3D Buzz Lightyear" flying off to space plastered all over the back. Anyway, we are checking out and the nice lady checker is helping the boys put their backpacks on after ringing them up. Sweet lady, I am thinking, and then she asks it. That one question I learned a long time ago NEVER TO ASK A WOMAN EVER. Here goes our short exchange...
Sweet Lady, soon to be not so sweet, Checker:(Looks me over with a smile before asking) Are you pregnant?
Me: No
Checker: You're not?
Me: NO
Checker: (to try and make it better, although not sure how it could) Well, you look so skinny...

My now thoughts and internal dialogue as I walk away without responding...
I look so skinny??? You mean except for the obvious girth I carry around my midsection? No, just fat lady. Excuse me as I go consume a shot of high fructose corn syrup in the form of an Icee to accentuate said midsection. Wow, I am feeling extremely beautiful right now, thank you.

This is the third time this has happened while not pregnant. When will people learn? Unless a person is so obviously ready to deliver any moment, NEVER ASK THIS QUESTION!!! And even then, it may be better to do a little investigating before asking. If it is a total stranger, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS UNLESS YOU ARE TOLD OUTRIGHT. It is never flattering to be asked this question.

Ok, now that I have voiced my opinion on the subject, I will waddle out and enjoy my Anniversary feeling oh so much like the thin bride I obviously no longer am. Time to go change my shirt apparently. Seriously, I am done now, I promise.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

She violated the cardinal rule of questioning! Just the other day, I saw a lady from one of my MOPS tables who is probably 6 months pregnant, but I didn't say anything. Maybe she was just wearing an empire waist sundress and had put on 25 pounds. :)

You look fantastic, Rach! I raise my slurpee cup to you!