Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Definitely Not a Mom of the Year Award Day

So we made it. There were moments today when I didn't know if my children and I would all survive the day in tact or still living here. It was a day where shipping one if not two little boys in a box to Grandma's seemed like a plausible option for me. These kids are smart though you see. At least, they can be smarter than me at times. Just when I think I can not handle another scream or another explosion of poop on my floor, they turn on you. They flash you a grin or you are given a glimpse of some reason why you get up and do this everyday. I thank God for those glimpses, especially today.
We are currently packing to move across the country next week, in escrow for buying a home for the first time, and potty training Lucas. To add to that, Ben is cutting 4 new teeth and loves to scream to express his heart felt emotions. This is crazy right? Please say yes because that is how I feel. At one point today I was trying to pack a box and heard Ben waking up. So, like a good mother I went up to get Ben (that is where the good mother part stops) and came down to find Lucas standing on our only carpet downstairs in a pile of crap. It had filled his shoes if that gives you a nice visual. Now imagine trying to clean poop off of every surface of your son from the waste down while your other son proceeds to go to the pile of poop still waiting to be cleaned up. Needless to say, Jake came home from work two hours early today. Thank God for that. It is days like this that I am reminded why I would love to be living near family. I don't mean to sound so negative but trying to pack and take care of children is just not working for me today.
Tomorrow is a new day and one can only hope Lucas resumes to pooping on the potty and Ben learns to talk over night. :) Ok, well maybe just that his teeth come in and we can have a reprieve from the screaming.
So, to all you mothers out there, your odds of receiving the mother of the year award have increased. I am sure your odds will be better than mine again tomorrow as well. :) Let's look at the bright side, it is bed time!!!! Yeah!

1 comment:

Amy McNelly said...

Oh Rachel! I confess I laughed out loud! Did Ben actually play in Lucas' poop? Just think of the stories you can tell their girlfriends in a few years... :) And by the way, you're an amazing mom. If faithfully cleaning up poop isn't love, I don't know what is.