Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Note to Self-

Never tell a three year old you are going to a park, even if it is Yellowstone National Park, if there is no play equipment. Lucas was just not that impressed by the hot springs we visited. Old Faithful was received with a little more appreciation, thankfully!

Moving trip update-
We are now in Rapid City, SD and will be going to see Crazy Horse Monument and Mt. Rushmore (or as Lucas calls it, "The Guys' Heads" this morning. So far the boys have been really great in the car and we have had a smooth go of it, well, until last night. Our hotel staff screwed up our reservation and couldn't do anything to fix it (not an easy to thing to swallow when your children's bed time has come and gone, only Ben had eaten dinner, and you have been on the road for 3 days). Did I mention it was our anniversary too? Can you think of a more romantic way to spend it? It became hilarious as we were sitting in hotel rooms on different halls of the hotel (thanks to "Quality Inn"), each with a different child, texting back and forth. Oh, romance!

Anyway, after seeing the monuments, we will be on our way to Vermillion. We will be moving into our new home tomorrow! Lucas will be thrilled. He has been saying, "I want to go home!" off and on this whole trip, it breaks my heart.
Pictures to come...


Melanie said...

Rachel, I love you! You are amazing, and what an anniversary! Did you leave a comment card letting Yellowstone know that they need to get some swings?



Coleen said...

Classic stories! We hope the house is everything you remembered!

Amy McNelly said...

Hilarious! I hope you had a romantic evening with your son. :) I keep checking your blogs... it helps me miss you a little bit less! Can't wait to hear about your move into the house...